I’m that girl that ran to Target yesterday to get Kanye West’s new cd, "Graduation."
I’m also that girl you saw driving around the city yesterday and this morning blasting that same cd, dancing behind the steering wheel and singing loudly.
It’s awesome.
But I knew it would be. In a time when "artists" are putting out cds with 10 or 12 tracks, of which only one or two are good, Kanye is giving people what they pay for.
Of the 13 tracks on "Graduation," I love 12 of them and the last one may grow on me as I replay the album - over and over and over again.
Each song sounds different than the one before it. Known for his production skills, it comes as no surprise that the beats and melodies don’t only vary from song to song, but also vary from his previous albums.
"Graduation" perfectly wraps up the trilogy of Kanye’s story. From "College Dropout" to "Late Registration" and now "Graduation," the cocky rapper/producer keeps moving us forward, never presenting us something that he's given us before.
Of the 13 tracks on "Graduation," I love 12 of them and the last one may grow on me as I replay the album - over and over and over again.
Each song sounds different than the one before it. Known for his production skills, it comes as no surprise that the beats and melodies don’t only vary from song to song, but also vary from his previous albums.
"Graduation" perfectly wraps up the trilogy of Kanye’s story. From "College Dropout" to "Late Registration" and now "Graduation," the cocky rapper/producer keeps moving us forward, never presenting us something that he's given us before.
So, here and now I’ll proclaim my love for Kanye - not as a groupie but as someone that respects his talent, his struggle and even some of the crazy things he says and does.
I’m not even going to get into the whole Kanye vs. 50 Cent album sale competition, because to me, there’s no contest. It’s Kanye all the way. But here is a review that ran in the Boston Globe that I feel sums up that whole situation perfectly.
So, has anybody else heard it? What do you think?
So, has anybody else heard it? What do you think?
And stay tuned. Donecia and I are putting together a Kanye related list that we want you to get in on...
Janelle, I couldn't have put it better myself.
Seriously, besides Common's "Finding Forever," I can't rememer the last time I had such high expectations for a hip hop CD this year that DIDN'T disappoint me.
Seriously, you never know what you're gonna get with Kanye because he's always taking it to the next level production-wise and lyrically. And that's what makes him awesome.
He elevates hip hop beyond the typical 'gangsta' fanfare. He's true to himself. I LOVE YOU KANYE! Lol.
I went to Target last night on my dinner break and got it. I came back to the office and immediately put it in the computer. It's really great. Twelve out of 13 is a lot better than most of the albums I've owned.
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