Wow, it’s hard to believe that it’s been
a whole year since we let you into our lives, our thoughts, our world.
When we started Link222 last year, we did it with the intention of giving you a chance to see the real people behind the bylines. We

wanted to let you in on our thoughts, opinions, experiences, observations. And on top of that, we invited you to share your own thoughts, opinions, experiences and observations with us.
Sometimes you liked us and let us know. Sometimes you strongly

disagreed with us and let us have it. Most importantly, you read us…again and again, making us one of the top read Times blogs.
So by now, either you see we’re just normal people, not that

different from you or any other young adults you know. Or you think we’re absolutely insane. Whatever you think, we thank you for all of your comments, the mean ones, the nice ones and even the non-existent ones that you didn’t bother leaving. Most of all, we thank you for stopping by to check us out. And we hope you keep reading and keep telling your friends to keep reading as well.

Stay tuned for more. As you can see we’re changing things up around here and there’s a lot more to come. Don’t be afraid to give us feedback, positive or negative. If you don’t know by now, we
love that.
In the meantime, check back here throughout the week as we take a look back at the best, the worst, and the funniest moments of Link222: Year One.
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