Over the past year, we’ve likely doubled the amount of blogs about celebrity deaths, awful comebacks and CD releases than any other subject.
Since we’ve gabbed about it so much during our inaugural year, we hope you’ll enjoy taking a stroll through our superficial and gossip-filled memory lane. Here’s our top 10 pop culture-related blogs, honorable mentions all about the celebrities we love and the ones we love to hate.
Top Ten:
1) Sunday, Sept. 9 and Monday, Sept. 10
"Even as her personal life spiraled out of control, the one thing I figured she could always do was dance.I mean, despite all of the craziness her life has been, the girl is only like 26 or something, right? So youth should be on her side, right?But her highly anticipated opening performance at the MTV Awards was one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen."
So I cheated and name two blogs for No. 1, but c’mon, you already knew she would top the list.
2) Tuesday, Nov. 21
Richards has forever tainted memory of Kramer
By: Stephanie Netherton
So I cheated and name two blogs for No. 1, but c’mon, you already knew she would top the list.
2) Tuesday, Nov. 21
Richards has forever tainted memory of Kramer
By: Stephanie Netherton
"Part of being a stand-up comic is being heckled. I've seen comedians fire back at audience members and it's just uncomfortable for everyone else. After all, we go to comedy shows to laugh. Richards, as a long-time professional, should have been able to handle the hecklers. Instead, he fires off the "n-word" over and over again and with enthusiasm remarks about a time when blacks were victims of civil rights abuses."
This incident got the nation talking and forced everyone to take notice. It served as a catalyst of several other incidents and a reminder that yes, racism and hate speech do exist.
3) Thursday, Feb. 21
Where is her mother?
By: Melinda Williams
This incident got the nation talking and forced everyone to take notice. It served as a catalyst of several other incidents and a reminder that yes, racism and hate speech do exist.
3) Thursday, Feb. 21
Where is her mother?
By: Melinda Williams
"After a week that has included two less-than-daylong stints in rehab (yes, two, read about the latest one here), a shaved head and a couple of tattoos, Britney's mother is no where in sight.I'll admit, I don't know the inner workings of their relationship and maybe she's in this messy mix, desperately trying to save her daughter, but I haven't seen her and all signs point to her not being there.Maybe I'm overstepping my bounds, telling a grown woman how to raise her adult child. But I know if I had two young children, was divorcing a deadbeat husband and started partying all the time with some questionable characters, as soon as my mother got wind of it, she would be on my doorstep."
Another Britney Spears blog entry. Who knew her near-ruined life would warrant so many blog posts?
4) Wednesday, Feb. 28
Enough Tyra!!!
Another Britney Spears blog entry. Who knew her near-ruined life would warrant so many blog posts?
4) Wednesday, Feb. 28
Enough Tyra!!!
By: yours truly, Ashley Northington

"I think its great that Tyra can be a role model for regular-sized folks like myself. I think its cool that she often tries to encourage young girls to love themselves. But to flaunt around in a bikini and commemorating yourself in the name of (Black History Month) is a stretch to me, regardless of the message.I think I've had enough. Am I alone?"
Good grief. The one thing she does is try to relate to everyone, but she can't. According to her, she's fat, ugly, pregnant, historic, Spanish-speaking, homeless and dead. And she's none of those things. Need I say more?
Good grief. The one thing she does is try to relate to everyone, but she can't. According to her, she's fat, ugly, pregnant, historic, Spanish-speaking, homeless and dead. And she's none of those things. Need I say more?
"Anna Nicole was a nearly endless source of entertainment for us celebrity watchers, but beneath it all, she was a real person. No matter how crazy and unbelievable her life was, her death is probably the most shocking thing she's done."
Man, oh man. We never saw Anna Nicole Smith’s death coming. Mel said the most shocking thing she ever did in her life was die…
6) Wednesday, Dec. 27
Huh? Beyonce nominated for a Golden Globe
By: Janelle Rucker
Man, oh man. We never saw Anna Nicole Smith’s death coming. Mel said the most shocking thing she ever did in her life was die…
6) Wednesday, Dec. 27
Huh? Beyonce nominated for a Golden Globe
By: Janelle Rucker
"The only times I thought she was good in the two hour musical was when she was performing on stage and, hello, that’s no stretch considering that's what she does for a living.I will be shocked, and lose the last little bit of faith I have that these awards are truly based on talent, if Beyonce beats out Meryl Streep for The Devil Wears Prada, Renee Zellweger for Mrs. Potter, or others in the category."

We all know ‘B’ can definitely sing. But act? Janelle says that’s a different story. I guess sometimes its best to stick with what you know.
7) Tuesday, Nov 21
You know who’s really cool?
By: Joel Anderson

We all know ‘B’ can definitely sing. But act? Janelle says that’s a different story. I guess sometimes its best to stick with what you know.
7) Tuesday, Nov 21
You know who’s really cool?
By: Joel Anderson
"Jay-Z is cool. Really cool. Probably cooler than Miles Davis, who might have invented the concept of being cool in the early 1950s.Today, Jay-Z released his ninth hip-hop album, "Kingdom Come" after a self-imposed, two-year retirement. And while it's a subpar album - by his standards, of course (it would be a masterpiece for someone like Lil' Boosie), Jay-Z could probably care less."
How could we mention Beyonce without her superstar, mega mogul boyfriend Jay-Z? Ah, the BJay duo (look how I just merged their names like entertainment media do names like TomKat, Bennifer and Brangelina) , I love it.
8) Thursday, April 5
How could we mention Beyonce without her superstar, mega mogul boyfriend Jay-Z? Ah, the BJay duo (look how I just merged their names like entertainment media do names like TomKat, Bennifer and Brangelina) , I love it.
8) Thursday, April 5
"I’ll never forget their impromptu dance routine in a parking lot somewhere in Atlanta where they broke it DOWN as only they could, lip synching, pop-locking and such to the Black-Eyed Peas hit “Shut Up.”
I swear they seemed in tune, entangled in what appeared to be a blend of drug-induced highs, craziness and just plain ol’ ghetto foolishness that only they could understand. I mean, if it weren't for their union, we might not have had classic lines like "Crack is wack." and so on ..."
Wow. When you crash and burn, it really hurts. We’re wondering who’s going to end up looking wackier in the Bobby Brown/Whitney Houston divorce.
9) Friday, June 8
Someone had to post this on here sometime
By: Adam Causey
I swear they seemed in tune, entangled in what appeared to be a blend of drug-induced highs, craziness and just plain ol’ ghetto foolishness that only they could understand. I mean, if it weren't for their union, we might not have had classic lines like "Crack is wack." and so on ..."
Wow. When you crash and burn, it really hurts. We’re wondering who’s going to end up looking wackier in the Bobby Brown/Whitney Houston divorce.
9) Friday, June 8
Someone had to post this on here sometime
By: Adam Causey
"OK, if you haven't seen the original, here's a speeded up version of this guy's rant. The name is Chris Crocker. Google it. There's lots out there."
Adam was right; someone had to post it to our blog. I’ve got one word for it: ridiculous.
10) Wednesday, May 23
Leaving Flav and the Girls Alone
By: me—again
10) Wednesday, May 23
Leaving Flav and the Girls Alone
By: me—again
"I became a loyal fan of the I Love New York show. I watched because I saw the pain on her face when she was humiliated by Flavor Flav twice when he decided to choose another girl over her. I watched her show because a big part of me wanted her to find a love of her own.Then she was dumped again. This time by a man of her own choosing. And the world watched as she cried. Now the search continues to find her a mate. Viewers can even cast votes for who they think should be on the show.I'm not watching. I'm tired.But the Charm School program takes the cake. I've watched all the episodes thus far and I am not entertained. I'm ashamed."
This show and its spin-offs have sparked more controversy among top-notch media moguls, pop-culture junkies and black leaders. There are still shows on now. When will it end? It already has for me.

Scroll our archives for these honorable mentions:
A little Common sense
Serial adopters trying to save the world
What would you do when face to face with the famous?
Female Chauvanists?
How could we have avoided… a Borat?
One last look at the week that was
Enough Already
Trick or Treat
A day in Hollywood South and many, many more…
What did you think of this year's celebrity news?
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