Monday, February 18, 2008

When you fall, get back up and try again

Want a fun way to exercise, a lesson in determination and a reminder of how old you are?
I have two words for you.
Hot. Wheels.

Co-workers Tarah Holland, Nishia Livingston, Ashley Northington and I headed to Hot Wheels skating rink in Bossier City in search of something new to do Saturday afternoon.

What we got was a good workout, some good laughs and some believe a few bruises.

It had been years since most of us dared to get out on the hardwood on four wheels…and it showed.

I’m not sure if I ever stood completely up, always bracing myself for a fall and Ashley spent quite a bit of time looking up from the floor.

I will say Nishia was a pro, skating around the rink clapping and dancing and I never saw Tarah hit the floor (not to say it didn't happen).

In the end we may have spent more time sitting on the bench than skating on the floor, but it was there that the dozens of kids in the rink – on their skates and on their butts – reminded me of a valuable lesson.

When you fall, get back up and try again.

Those kids out there didn’t have a care in the world. They didn’t care if they collided with another kid or got tripped by someone else’s skate. They simply laughed it off and got right back up.

We were too consumed by the fear of falling (and possibly hurting ourselves) and too busy trying to look like pros.

Those kids were just busy having a good time.

Be it skating, a task at work or a personal goal, one fall shouldn’t stop us from completing what we set out to do.

In my search of new things to do, this had to have been the most fun. I highly recommend it.

Next up: bowling and kite flying.


TH said...

Oh Nelley - what an awesome post!

Stephanie Bemrose said...

I bowl. I even bowl on a league team, but I am no ace bowler, let me tell you!

I hope you ladies continue having fun doing 'new' old activities!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like SO much fun.
Good luck with the bowling. When kite flying, just beware of your power lines, missy!

Greg Pearson said...

should have invited know those vintage videos of the guy with the fro and bellbottoms jammin to Earth Wind and Fire? Man...Spinning Wheels was my hangout! I can remember more than one slow skate to the Commordores' "Easy". I can still remember getting my black skates with the candy apple red wheels and practicing routines with Tommy Keough back home in Pittsburgh. Yep...and I was a break dancer once too!

Donecia Pea said...

Wooooooow Greg...wooooowww (lol!!) It does look like y'all had a lot of fun. Man I miss those Hot Wheels days, lol.

Stephanie Netherton said...

Hello? Invite me! Back in my youth, I could skate backwards. I was an ace in my white skates with hot pink wheels.

And if bowling happens I want an invite. Once upon a time I bowled a 229. It was a fluke ... I think my next game I didn't even reach 100.

Have you guys thought about bingo? Don't get me started on cheesy afternoon activities. I'm all about it.